The route around the Frog Graham Round is yours to choose and the information detailed below is only intended as a guide, there are numerous options available. The only criteria is that you must visit all the numbered summits, islands and other features, including the mandated water entry/exit points.  Please note that it goes against the spirit of the Frog Graham Round to run round the edge of the lakes instead of swimming across them!

The Frog Graham Round is as much a navigational challenge as it is a test of your physical endurance.  Therefore, we actively discourage the practice of marking the route with cairns, paint, tape or using any other method that does not constitute an accepted means of navigating the route.  For clarification as to what is an “accepted means of navigation”, please see the FAQs page. Just to be absolutely clear, FGR Club membership will not be open to contenders who feel that they cannot support this policy. We also align ourselves with the Bob Graham 24-Hour Club in that membership will not be extended to contenders who use the services of professional mountain guides, the club committee feel that such a practice would be completely contrary to the spirit of the Frog Graham Round.

HARVEY mapping have produced an excellent, well-detailed and easy to read waterproof map of the Frog Graham Round route which can be purchased from Pete Bland Sports, We strongly recommend its use.

The information provided below is based on the average of data supplied from multiple successful FGR contenders. The simple fact is that the overall distance and amount of climb/descent will depend significantly on the lines chosen!